
i have an astrostar light in my room.

i'm soo sorry for not posting for so long! i've been very very busy with school lately and my inspiration left me... aaaanyways: i bought an astro galaxy star light at ebay and ..well, here are some shots i took in my room, unfortunatly the quality suuuucks because it was only $0,99 from hong kong or something and it only works when you don't move it too much.. if you want it, you can buy it here. xxx

5 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Even though the quality of the light sucks, the pictures look great :)

Anoniem zei

Great pictures
I love them :D

Iris zei

dankuuu voor je reacties:) jij ook heeel veel plezier in rome! xx

miss annie zei

wish I would have this light too!
adorable blog!

Elien | dogsanddresses.com zei

vettt, dus het kost echt maar 5 euro ofzo met verzendkosten? En moet je het dan nog in elkaar steken? Wil ook wel zo iets hebben!